Halloween Heating Tips for Homeowners

Oct 29, 2019 | Heating

Hear that wind howling outside? That means Halloween is fast approaching. Hear that wind howling inside? That means it’s time to put these hauntingly helpful home heating tips from Xenia Heating and Air into practice:


Stop Wicked Window Drafts With Window Treatments

Install insulating shades and heavy, lined drapes to stop cold air from creeping in around your windows. They will keep the heat inside nicely, and on mild, sunny days they can be opened up to allow the sunlight to help warm your home naturally.


Don’t Let Your Furnace’s Air Filter Become A Nightmare

Replacing your furnace’s air filter is one of the easiest ways to keep the heat flowing freely in your home, keeping the chilly weather at bay. Check your air filter once every 30 days and replace it as needed. Make sure to change it at least once during the winter months.


Conjure Up A Programmable Thermostat

These thermostats magically keep the temperature in your home regulated so that it is warmer when you need it to be, and a bit cooler (and cost-effective) when no one is home. You never have to worry about forgetting to reset the thermostat because these little gems do it all for you, even when you’re not at home.


Don’t Let Dust and Dirt Possess Your Vents

Along with keeping furniture, curtains, floor coverings, etc., away from your air vents and duct gratings, make sure to wipe them down thoroughly on a regular basis such as sofas, chairs, and beds near these airways without blocking their flow in order to create cozy, warm areas in which to relax.


Block Drafts That Materialize From Unexpected Places

There are places in your home where, while you are unsuspecting, cold air comes oozing in and warm air is choked out. These areas include attic windows and doors (particularly the hatch-type doors in your ceiling), outside entrances to your basement, old coal chutes, and fireplace flues that are not properly closed. Seal unused entrances for the winter with clear plastic sheeting and a weatherproofing kit. For entryways that are in use during the winter, cover them with heavy blankets that can be moved aside and then replaced as needed.


Put A Reverse Spell On Ceiling Fans To Heat Rooms

Ceiling fans aren’t just to keep rooms cool in the summertime. They actually do double-duty in the winter. Change the settings to reverse and your ceiling fans will circulate the heat all around the room, keeping it warm and comfy.


Bury Cold Air From Floors With Carpets

Many people don’t realize that their home’s heat can be decreased by cold floors. Insulation in walls and ceilings keeps heat in and keeps cold out. Carpeting acts as insulation for floors. You don’t have to commit to permanent carpeting; invest in good-quality area rugs and hall runners to use during the winter months.


Use Your Fireplace And Space Heaters To Scare Away The Chills

Your fireplace can be used to give your furnace a break from time to time while you enjoy a crackling, dancing fire. Turn your thermostat down and build a fire occasionally. For areas in your home that need a little extra warmth without cranking up the thermostat use a space heater when these areas are being used. Remember to shut it off once the room is no longer occupied.


Close Off Air Vents In Abandoned (Unused) Rooms

Don’t let the heat go to waste in rooms or floors in your home that are not being used. Close all air vents in spare bedrooms, the basement, and the attic so that the warm air can be redirected to the areas that are used regularly.


Resurrect An HVAC Technician Annually To Check Your System

Once a year, ideally just prior to putting your furnace into use for the season, have a thorough inspection and cleaning of your HVAC system performed by a professional. The cleaning will remove any dust, allergens, etc., that would find their way into your home once you turn on your furnace as well as clearing the way

for maximum airflow. It will also find any problems or potential problems that may need attention in order to keep your system in top working condition and eliminate the need for repairs later on.


Xenia Heating and Air is ready to keep you safe this winter. Give us a call today to answer any questions you may have or to schedule your inspection and cleaning at 937-708-8451 or visit us on the web at xeniaheatingand air.com.