IAQ Services in Xenia, Ohio

Indoor Air Quality Products & Services in Xenia, OH

When it comes to providing home comfort and optimal indoor air quality, we at Xenia Heating & Air put great “care” in providing all-around air care. If you’re online looking for an “indoor air quality company near me” or an “air care service near me” and you live in the Miami Valley area, you’re in the right place.

Because HVAC and IAQ go hand in hand, we offer products and services at the best prices and include them at special rates when you install new home comfort systems. If you’ve been following the latest developments surrounding the importance of indoor air quality, you know your heating and air conditioning aren’t the only factors you should take into consideration when it comes to the air in your home. You also need to take care of your air and make sure it is clean and pure. Because we understand the importance of indoor air quality, we offer a wide range of products and services you won’t find anywhere else. When it comes to your overall indoor air quality needs, we encourage you not to overlook or neglect your air purity and humidity levels. The air we breathe is the essence of life and the quality of the air in your home is something that will affect every facet of your life.

Indoor Air Quality in Xenia, Ohio

Top Indoor Air Quality Services in Xenia, Ohio

If you have inadequate air filtration or poor ventilation, you could end up with a wide range of indoor air pollution and air particles floating around in your home, which could end up being recycled even. Indoor Air Quality is all-too essential. You really can’t afford to ignore it or let air pollution go unchecked. Your health and well-being depend on optimal indoor air quality and if your home’s indoor air quality is compromised, it could end up costing you more than you bargained for. With everything we find when performing residential air quality tests, it’s not worth the risk. There are things like gas, chemicals and mold in a lot of homes.

As your local air care experts, we at Xenia Heating & Air offer all the air care solutions necessary to transform your residence into a safe haven of fresh, clean air. Your loved ones, guests and your health will thank you. Everyone benefits tremendously from optimal indoor air quality. Call us today at (937) 708-8451.

Indoor Air Quality Services in Xenia, Ohio

We offer top-notch air quality products for your Xenia area home. Improve the air in your home by installing one of these products from Xenia Heating & Air!

Humidifiers in Xenia, Ohio


If you need to raise the level of humidity in your home (especially during the winter) we can install a humidifier that works with all budgets. Experts say the ideal relative humidity level is between 30% and 50%. If your level is too low or too high, you’ll start to see issues like mildew, mold, dry skin, and bloody noses, etc. At Xenia Heating & Air, we care about the air you and your family breathe. We can install a humidifier in your home so you can have total control of your air. Learn more about the convenience of humidifiers.
Dehumidifiers in xenia, Ohio


The air in your home can be full of moisture, which can lead to a variety of problems. It can cause the humidity in your home to rise above an optimal level, and it can also promote the growth of mildew and mold. By purchasing a dehumidifier, you can lower the level of humidity in your home and keep it within that ideal range. This is helpful for optimal health and comfort. Moreover, dehumidifiers can help eliminate musty smells lingering in a home. Schedule dehumidifier services with us at Xenia Heating & Air!
Smart Thermostats in Xenia, Ohio

Smart Thermostats

With their cool features and convenient remote accessibility, smart thermostats and Wi-Fi thermostats are great additions to an existing HVAC system. Smart thermostats and programmable thermostats help conserve energy, reducing cooling and heating bills. Because their technology is so state-of-the-art, they provide superior control over your home’s temperature and overall air quality along with superior convenience. If any of this interests you, we would happily discuss some of our options!
Air Filters in Xenia, Ohio

Air Filters

Your HVAC system’s air filters are intended to keep pollutants from the air circulating throughout your home. Because of this, having good, clean, functional air filters is essential for not only improving indoor air quality but also for keeping your systems running as it should. Effective air filters can lengthen the lifespan of a system and decrease the need for repairs by enabling proper airflow, which keeps the strain off the system. Learn more about air filters below!
UV Lights in Xenia, Ohio

UV Lights

UV Lights are frequently talked about alongside allergies because a link has been found. UV are great options for those who have installed effective air filters and air purifiers and, despite having regular HVAC maintenance performed, still find their indoor air quality needing improvement. Often, UV lights are the only difference between good indoor air quality and virtually perfect indoor air quality. Complete your HVAC system with a UV Light installation from Xenia Heating & Air!
IWave-R Air Purifiers in Xenia, Ohio

IWave-R Purifier

In the wake of the novel coronavirus pandemic, the iWave-R has gained popularity as being useful in keeping homes free from airborne viruses. The iWave-R is an air purification device that is very affordable and highly innovative. When air passes over the iWave, ions produced by the device reduce pathogens, allergens, particles, smoke, and odors in the air, creating a healthier environment without producing any harmful byproducts. Contact us today at Xenia Heating & Air!

Understanding Indoor Air Quality

Scientific studies indicate the air quality in the majority of homes and places of work today are usually often far more polluted than the air outside. The difference is night and day. And, because indoor air quality is so poor and it has such an effect on your health, more and more homeowners are becoming more and more aware of the extreme importance of maintaining optimal Indoor Air Quality.  

Often the things causing air pollution are much more insidious than we are aware of. Because most people in the Miami Valley area spend an average of 90% of their time indoors, indoor air quality is something that demands our consideration and care. 

Indoor air quality suffers because it usually lacks adequate air filtration, or at least proper ventilation. Because this describes most homes, the air quality in your home is something you should take very seriously. The EPA defines Indoor Air Quality is “the quality of air inside a building or inside a dwelling and how that air affects the people inside the home or building.” They also warn that even minor indoor air quality problems can have a major impact on our overall health and well-being. 

heat pumps in xenia
Xenia Van

Why Is Indoor Air Quality So Essential?

Because Ohioans spend much more time indoors than ever before, indoor air quality is no longer something homeowners and business owners can afford to ignore. By some estimates, we spend 75% of our time in our homes and workplaces. Because of this, it’s easy to understand why our Indoor Air Quality is so important. Because air is tightly restricted indoors and gets recycled, it needs proper care and attention. Failing to do so will have a far greater effect on our health and well-being than most of us realize. If your indoor air quality is poor, it can have a serious negative effect your home and some of the woodwork and electronic devices and systems within the home.   Some experts say our indoor air is as much as 5 times as the fresh air we breathe outdoors. Outside the home air quality is much cleaner because Mother Nature employs a wide range of natural processes that clean the air and recycle it naturally. Because our indoor air is constantly being recycled and because most homes and businesses are intentionally made airtight (because of air sealing and insulation), it becomes clear why our HVAC experts and local health officials suggest we take advantage of affordable indoor air quality products, such as humidity control systems and air purification products, and use them in conjunction with HVAC systems. 

4 Benefits Of Improving Indoor Air Quality

Our indoor air quality goes hand in hand with our home comfort systems and HVAC equipment. Although most homeowners generally keep their home comfort levels a high priority, not enough of us understand the utter importance of having optimal Indoor Air Quality. Nevertheless, more and more homeowners are catching on and understanding the need to take care of their air quality. This is partly because there are a wide range of benefits to improving indoor air quality in addition to a ton of consequences for neglecting it or ignoring it. In the following, our local air quality control experts here at Xenia Heating & Air explain a few of the benefits of improving residential air quality.

Lowers Home Heating & Cooling Costs

Occasionally, homeowners try to reduce their cooling bills by turning off their air conditioner and turning it back on again once things get hot inside. Needless to say, this is a bad idea. For one it doesn’t help. Doing this is much less efficient and it actually forces your central air conditioner to work harder. Nevertheless, if you’re looking to upgrade to a newer, more energy-efficient centralized air conditioner, this will enable you to keep your home cooler and do so far more efficiently. Our newer, more efficient air conditioners are a lot cheaper to use. They can even pay for themselves over time.  

Helps You Breathe Easier

We all know how the air we breathe is the essence of life. Because of this, our indoor air is all the more important. If household air is polluted, it’ll be much easier for us to fall prey to breathing-related conditions and health issues. Allergy symptoms develop and become worse. Even asthma can crop up and get worse. If you have indoor pollution and you don’t know it, it can impact your stress levels and energy levels. Household air pollution, even minor amounts, have an impact on your health and well-being and the health and well-being of everyone in your home. Air purity can affect our immunity and ability to heal and recover from illness. Because air quality and air care is such an essential factor, your air quality control experts here at Xenia Heating & Air offer a whole line of air conditioning systems, humidity control products, affordable air purifiers, germicidal UV Lamps, air filtration systems (with HEPA filters) and more. All this makes breathing conditions optimal throughout the year.

Provides Optimal Sleeping Environment

Optimal indoor air quality helps you avoid a wide range of health problems. It also helps people in the home sleep longer, deeper and better. This can help minimize stress during the day by making sleep more restful. Cooler temperatures also help you sleep better because your body can relax and rest better in cooler environments, which are correlated to optimal humidity levels. In any case, having a modern or relatively new air conditioner helps you improve indoor air quality throughout the summer. 

Removes Allergens & Pollutants

If you’re allergic to something floating around in your air supply, your body will tell you by triggering allergies. You might develop breathing-related issues if your air quality is bad enough. It’s Mother Nature’s way of letting you know it doesn’t like whatever you are taking into your lungs. The stuff we breathe into our lungs eventually goes down into our bloodstream. Because of this, the more a person is exposed to indoor pollution and airborne allergens, the more likely they are to become sick or have an allergic reaction. Healthy indoor air quality gives your body time to recover and remain healthy so you’re at your best when you go outdoors and live your life.